Registration is Now Open for the 2025-2026 Preschool Year!

Register Online or schedule a visit by calling  717-755-4952 or email

Open House Dates

2/6/2025 5:30pm-7:30pm
3/22/2025 10:00am-12:00pm
4/8/2025 5:30pm-7:30pm

"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". 

— Nelson Mandela

Joyful Noise Preschool Educational Programs

2-Year-Old Preschool Class

    • A child must be 2 years of age by June 1st of the present school year.

    • Our 2-year-old preschool class meets on Fridays from 9:00-11:30am.

    • During our 2-year-old class day we:

         -Establish consistency and routine.

         -Bring the Word of God to our students through Bible stories and prayer.

         -Implement activities for large and small motor skill development.

         -Use playtime to develop social skills.

         -Incorporate music, finger plays, art and stories to build on language and cognitive skills.

3-Year-Old Preschool Class

    • A child must be 3 years of age by August 31st of the present school year.

    • Our 3-year-old preschool class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am-11:30am

    • During our 3-year-old class day we:

         -Bring the Word of God to our students through Bible stories, worship songs, and prayer.

         -Help children navigate socialization through sharing, taking turns, conflict resolution, and understanding their feelings and the feelings of others.

         -Introduce them to a classroom routine.

         -Explain what appropriate classroom behavior is, such as raising a hand when a child has something to say and waiting their turn to speak.

         -Teach letter formation, letter identification and letter sounds.

         -Help children learn the spelling of their name and how to write it independently.

         -Teach number identification and counting.

         -Identify shapes, and colors, and instruct in proper scissor usage.

Instructional activities are done in a variety of ways: with paper and pencil, markers and whiteboards, and by playing educational games. During class, the students will have opportunities for music, art, science, gross motor, fine motor, large group, small group, and choice time. The students will have the opportunity to participate in field trips and perform in a Christmas program and an end-of-the-year program for their loved ones.

4 & 5-Year-Old Preschool Classes

    • A child must be 4 years of age by August 31st of the present school year.

    • Our 4 & 5-year-old preschool class meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00-11:30am.

    • During our 4/5-year-old class day we:

          -Bring the Word of God to our students through Bible stories, worship songs, and prayer.

          -Help children navigate socialization.

          -Assist with letter formation and identification when needed.

          -Emphasize letter sounds and letter identification.

          -Encourage to start looking at forming words through various activities and/or games when appropriate.

          -Instruct number identification, writing numbers, and counting accurately.

          -Expand number concepts to include adding and subtraction when appropriate.

          - Introduce recognition of number words and color words.

Instructional activities are done in a variety of ways: with paper and pencil, markers and whiteboards, and by playing educational games. During class, the students will have opportunities for music, art, science, gross motor, fine motor, large group, small group, and choice time. The students will have the opportunity to participate in field trips and perform in a Christmas program and an end-of-the-year program for their loved ones.

Kid's Club

Kid's Club is a one-time per-week opportunity for our 4 & 5-year-old learners. It is an extension of the regular preschool day. The students are invited to bring their lunch and eat with their classmates and teachers. After lunch, the students will participate in an activity that will include science, art, cooking, and/or games to enrich their learning experience.